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Why should one learn full stack development?
- November 27, 2020
- Posted by: elanwp
- Category: Web Development Blogs

A full stack developer is an engineer who chooses to work on both the client-side and server-side software. This software developer uses the Full Stack so and application which takes care of the front-end technology, backend development languages, database and so on. Th full stack developer can also translate the user needs into an overall new system which is designed can implemented according to the user’s requirements. The Full-Stack developer doesn’t necessarily have to have a master in all technologies. Although, at a higher level it is expected to work through the client as well as the server to ensure that there is a complete understanding of what is happening during the process of development. Its important to carry a genuine passion in the software technology as a whole.
Why should one learn full stock development?
- A full stack developer will ensure to keep every part of the system moving forward smoothly and efficiently.
- They can also provide assistance to the team members around them and whilst reducing their time and technical revenue of team communication.
- If an individual can play various roles; it can increase time management and collaboration. As well as saving the companies personnel, infrastructure and operational cost.
Skill sets that is needed to become a Full Stack Developer
- Front-end technology
A Full Stack Developer can include a master of essential front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and so on.
- Development Language
A Full Stack engineer must be a master in at least one server programming language such as java, python, etc.
- Database and cache
The understanding of DBMS technology is important to ensure that you’re a successful and professional Full stack developer.
- Server
A clear exposure to handle Apache or various serves is needed. A good background will help the administering servers.
LAMP stack
LAMP is a wide use of model which is used for web service stacks. The LAMP is also an acronym for four-open source components.
L = Linux; An open source for operating systems
A = Apache; A wide range of web server software
M = MySQL; A popular open source database
P = PHP; A server side which is an open source scripting language
MERN Stack
MERN is a cluster of JavaScript-based technologies;
M = MongoDB; Popular NoSQL database
E = Express; Light and portable web program framework
R = React; A javascript library with is used to build user interfaces
N = Node.js; A server side for run time
What does a Full Stack developer do?
- Can translate user requirements which implements a new system
- Manage and coordinate with client
- Constructing backend codes for python, java, etc.
- Constructing optimized a front end code HTML and JavaScript
- Create test codes to validate all kinds of application which is against client requirement.
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