Spanish A2

What is Spanish A2?

Your second milestone. We hope from the last course you have been able to convey and build up your passion. This course is another stream into drawing your future and experience. Learn the culture and tradition of Spain through our little Spain.

Why Spanish A2? Benefits and opportunities

You have come this far and we believe that you’re capable of so much. You’re a risk taker. This course begins connecting you with others. Each topic is designed to bring you out of your comfort zone and be able to handle real life situations. It is an early stage. But if there is anyone who can do it. That’s you. This course will guide you through the contents in the most detailed and self-explanatory manner. It’s your dedication that has pushed through.

How to prepare for Spanish A1?


Functional Content-

  • Express and ask for opinions
  • Description of asking, grant or denying permissions
  • Describe desires, preferences, needs and more
  • Suggestions (asking and receive)
  • Reacting to stories and short passages
  • Being able to address someone
  • Relation to elements and parts of passages

Tips and Tricks:

This course can be overwhelming and stressful which is why these tips and tricks will always help you stay calm and centred during both classes and possible assignments.

  • Watching YouTube videos
  • Listening to the local radio of Germany
  • Watching local movies
  • Guidance from teachers
  • Sample papers
  • Test yourself
  • Audio recordings from native speakers

Self-motivation is your biggest key. Once you are capable of pushing yourself to your fullest capabilities you will be able to understand the depth of the language. The materials provided here will guide you and support you when you feel a bit lost.

Grammatical content:

  • Irregularities
  • Modal verbs
  • Past tense (irregular and regular)
  • General alternation
  • Past indefinite
  • Imperfect
  • Future of indicative
  • Direct and indirect object
  • Pronouns
  • Regular imperative

Preparation patterns:

Keeping a high and constant schedule will allow you to have a better planning and understanding during this course. The pattern of exam is listed below but will also give you an insight on the things to focus on.

The best way to prepare is to plan ahead. At Elan we provide you with all the tips and guidance. This shall prepare you for the course. Keep your head held high.

Important materials:

Ebooks –

Basic Spanish course –

Volume 1 –

Video links –

Self evaluation tests –

Listening comprehensions –

Conversations –

Grammar –

Verb tenses –

Daily routine –

Reflexive verbs –

Sample papers-

Sample paper #1 –

Sample paper #2-

Important tips for Spanish A2 and the examination:

Exam details –

This examination will consist of these 4 modules: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

The Spanish A2 examination is divided into 2 different groups. The first group consists of a reading comprehension which will carry a duration of 60 minutes. In this time, you will be asked to tackle 5 tasks. It’s important to make sure to keep yourself calm and centre during the examination. Keep rereading and make sure to recheck all your answers. In the first group you will also be asked to complete the module of the written which will have a duration of 50 minutes. In these 50 minutes you will also do 2 different tasks.

In the second group you will work on your speaking module. It will begin with your listening comprehension. Which will carry a duration of 35 minutes and 5 tasks. The oral examination will only have a duration of 15 minutes.

Make sure to keep yourself calm and centered as it will allow you to succeed and answer the question with detail and in the right manner. All the tips here will guide you into a better

Exam cracking tips –

All the tips learnt during this course will guide you through your examination. Remember to pace yourself. Don’t stress. Work on the different strategies provided to you. When reading make sure to underline or highlight the important fact. During writing beware of your time. Keep yourself focused. Don’t deviate to another topic or factor, focus on one and keep building the idea. Read the instructions carefully. Follow them and make sure that you’re rechecking your answers. During the listening test make sure to write down important dates, names etc. Make sure to always keep your focus. When you’re calm and centered you can achieve it all.

Spanish A2

Spanish A2

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