1. What is RRB NTPC?
RRB NTPC is Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) i.e. Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice and Station Master in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways.
Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) had released the RRB NTPC notification under Centralized Employment notice no. CEN 01/2019. The exam is conducted to select candidates for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) graduate and undergraduate posts in various Zonal Railways and Production Units of Indian Railways. A total of 35,208 vacancies will be filled through RRB NTPC 2019-20. The notification was released in 2019, however, the process is delayed due to the non-finalization of the exam conducting agency. The exam will be conducted in 15 languages.
2. Why RRB NTPC?
- Benefit of a Government job: Railway job is a 100% Government job. As an Indian Railway employee, you’ll have all the benefits and perks and of course the job security.
- Type of work: In Railways, you’ll have to do different types of work as per your post. Your job can be Enquiry-Cum- Reservation-Clerk (ECRC), Goods Guard Commercial Apprentice (CA), Traffic Apprentice (TA), Junior Accounts Assistant-Cum-Typist (JAA), Assistant Station Master (ASM), Traffic Assistant and Senior Timekeeper or Senior Clerk-Cum-Typist. They are administrative work or supervision work such as operating the signals, maintaining the accounts of the railway, working as guards and so on. Your work schedule depends on your post and the department.
- Transfers: The transfer policy is different for different posts. Transfers are based on the promotions. Employees are relocated every 4-5 years. But they can be posted in villages. But if you are an LIC AAO, you’ll be posted mostly in cities.
- Salary: The RRB NTPC salary structure consists of Salary, Net Pay, Pay Band, Grade Pay, In-hand Salary, Gross Salary, Net Salary and Allowances such as DA,HRA, TA etc.
- For Commercial Apprentice/ Traffic Apprentice: Pay Scale is Rs. 9,300 – 34,800 and Grade Pay is Rs. 4,200
- For Enquiry-Cum-Reservation Clerk/ Goods Guard/ Junior Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist/ Senior Clerk-Cum-Typist/ Assistant Station Master/ Traffic Assistant/ Time Keeper: Pay Scale is Rs. 5,200 – 20,200 and Grade Pay is Rs. 2,800.
- Promotions: You can be promoted to the next higher level as per your post. Promotions can be:
- Assistant Station Master → Divisional Operations Manager
- Junior Accounts Assistant → Chief Account Officers/ Financial Adviser
- Goods Guard → Chief Controller
- Commercial Apprentice → Senior Divisional Commercial Manager
- Job advantages: The advantages of being a railway employee itself has many advantages that include:
- Medical care facilities from railway & non-railway hospitals
- Various welfare funds
- Children educational assistance (schools & educational institutes along with their uniforms)
- Productivity linked bonus
- Holiday homes
- Convalescent homes
- Railway subsidized hostels & subsidy
- Hostels for women employees/trainees
- Provident fund
- Insurances – deposit linked insurance, railway employee’s insurance scheme, group insurance scheme
- Canteens
- Consumer co-operative societies
- Co-operative societies [housing, labor contract]
- Co-operative canteens
- Staff benefit fund
- National adult education program
Railway Employees who retire are presented with Gold Plated Silver medals weighing around 20g with Indian Railways logo on it.
3. How to prepare?
- Candidates need to sharpen their logical and analytical skills
- They must have command over concepts. Candidates must make sure that they practice each and every concept thoroughly and do not rush through the topics
- Candidates must use smart and appropriate tricks and methods for solving questions
- Use smart and appropriate tricks and methods for solving any problem
- Candidates should attempt a mock test to improve speed and accuracy of solving questions
- Candidates should work on their basics. Once they have developed command over these topics, switch to shortcuts or tricks for quick calculations
- For increasing speed, candidates must focus on short-cut techniques of solving questions
- Candidates must solve previous years’ question papers
- Candidates must make a habit of solving previous years’ question papers and mock tests to improve speed and accuracy
- Candidates must develop a habit of reading to improve their General Awareness section
- Instead of cramming, candidates must make their own notes
- Candidates must practice important topics and strengthen their weak areas
4. Important materials:
RRB NTPC syllabus is divided into Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning and General Awareness.
RRB NTPC syllabus for Mathematics
The Mathematics section of RRB NTPC assesses a candidate’s calculative skills. The topics that candidates need to prepare for this section are given below.
Number system | Decimals |
Fractions | LCM, HCF |
Ratios and Proportions | Percentage |
Mensuration | Time and Work |
Time and Distance | Simple and Compound Interest |
Profit and Loss | Elementary Algebra |
Geometry and Trigonometry | Elementary Statistics |
RRB NTPC syllabus for General Intelligence and Reasoning
In the General Intelligence and Reasoning of the RRB exam, candidates are assessed based on their ability to think logically. The topics included under General Intelligence and Reasoning is given below:
Analogies | Completion of number and alphabetical series |
Coding and Decoding | Mathematical Operations |
Similarities and Differences | Relationships |
Analytical Reasoning | Syllogism |
Jumbling | Venn Diagrams |
Puzzle | Data Sufficiency |
Statement-Conclusion | Statement- Courses of Action |
Decision Making | Maps, Interpretation of Graphs |
RRB NTPC syllabus for General Awareness
The General Awareness section aims to assess a candidate’s knowledge regarding the current affairs. The topics that candidates need to study in General Awareness section are given below:
Current Events of National and International Importance | Games and Sports |
Art and Culture of India | Indian Literature |
Monuments and Places of India | General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) |
History of India and Freedom Struggle | Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World |
Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system | General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India |
UN and Other important World Organizations | Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large |
Basics of Computers and Computer Applications | Common Abbreviations |
Transport Systems in India | Indian Economy |
Famous Personalities of India and World | Flagship Government Programs |
Flora and Fauna of India | Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India etc. |
a. E-books:
Best books for RRB NTPC
Candidates can refer to the books below for RRB NTPC:
General Awareness |
Mathematics |
General Intelligence & Reasoning |
b. Videos:
How to prepare for RRB NTPC exam:
RRB NTPC preparation strategy:
Introduction to RRB NTPC:
How to prepare for RRB NTPC:
RRB NTPC syllabus:
RRB NTPC strategy, cutoff:
5. Previous year question paper with answers:
RRB NTPC 2016 question paper:
RRB NTPC 2015 question paper:
RRB NTPC 2012 question paper:
RRB NTPC sample paper1:
RRB NTPC sample paper2:
RRB NTPC sample paper3:
6. Important tips:
- Read to Increase Knowledge: Read magazines, newspapers, weekly GK Blog online and watch news channels for General Knowledge.
- Create and Revise Notes: It will help you to revise all the topics which you have covered in Current Affairs. Revision plays an important role in this section. Reading once won’t give you benefit. You have to memorize these points by revising frequently.
- Improve your logical skills: As this section tests candidates’ ability to think and problem solving skills, therefore it is required by the students to sharpen their logical and analytical skills.
- Command over concepts: Both Verbal and Non Verbal Types of Concepts should be focused by the candidates. The understanding of Directions should be accurate, i.e., identifying which direction is West, North, East or South. Series is the most important topic, but it is also very difficult to master. You should make sure you practice each and every concept thoroughly and try not to rush through the topics.
- Don’t make unnecessary assumptions: Always remember that the given question will be solved by the data given only, don’t make unnecessary assumptions or judgment while solving the problem. Use smart and appropriate tricks and methods for solving any problem.
- Work on your Basics: When you are beginning your preparation, don’t look for shortcuts first. Try to learn the basics of all the topics and gain in-depth knowledge. Once you have developed a command over these topics, then you can switch to shortcuts or tricks for quick calculations.
- Learn Short-cut Methods: For increasing calculation speed, students must focus on the short-cut methods and tricks which will help in saving time for solving tough questions in the exam. For gaining accuracy and speed try to practice tricks and remember tables, cubes, squares, and square roots, etc.
- Don’t use risky shortcuts: If you are not well-versed with any shortcut or trick, then avoid using them as it may lead to confusion and wrong answers.
To get more information about the exam, check: https://elanacademy.net/courses/rrb-ntpc/