RRB Exams

What are RRB exams?
The RRB Exams are conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board. RRB recruitment is a highly competitive annual process. The Railway entrance examinations are held for the selection of technical and non–technical cadres in the Indian Railways.
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts computer based examination for recruitment of ALP & Technician posts, Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam to recruit Commercial apprentice, Goods guard, Traffic Apprentice, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Station Master etc. and RRB JE exam to recruit Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) for Indian Railway all over India.
Why RRB exam?
- Benefit of government job
- Salary and Perks
- Job advantages like medical facilities from railway and non-railway hospitals, children education assistance, various welfare funds etc.
- Job security
- Railway passes for you and your family and many more
How to Prepare?
- Understand the exam pattern and syllabus
- Candidates must make sure that they practice each and every concept thoroughly and do not rush through the topics
- Candidates must use smart and appropriate tricks and methods for solving questions
- Candidates should work on their basics. Once they have developed command over these topics, switch to shortcuts or tricks for quick calculations
- For increasing speed, candidates must focus on short-cut techniques of solving questions
- Candidates must solve previous years’ question papers
- Candidates must develop a habit of reading to improve their General Awareness section
- Instead of cramming, candidates must make their own notes
- Candidates must practice important topics and strengthen their weak areas
Important Materials
- Quantitative Aptitude by RS Agarwal
- Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Sharma
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by Dr. RS Aggarwal
- Objective English by S.P.Bakshi
- Analytical Reasoning by M.K.Pandey
- Lucent’s General Knowledge
- Manorama Yearbook
Previous years question papers/ Sample papers with answers
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nfZ9UlMeUvB0nicCZ9d02wU4yCEao7_g/view
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nfZ9UlMeUvB0nicCZ9d02wU4yCEao7_g/view
For RRB Group D
- https://blogmedia.testbook.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/rrb_group-d_18th-sep-2018-shift-1-5418b222.pdf
- https://testbook.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/02-Nov-2014-English-Paper-RRB-Group-D.pdf
- https://www.freshersnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/gi12132.pdf
- https://www.freshersnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/na12.pdf
Important tips for RRB exams
- Time Management is very important
- Keep yourself update with the current affairs
- Give as many mock tests as you can
- One must keep fit and healthy, and undergo personal health check-up at home. This shall help in getting a good score in the final medical fitness test
To get more information about the exam, check: https://elanacademy.net/courses/rrb-exams/