1. What is RBI PO?
The RBI Grade B exam is conducted every year to recruit officers into the Reserve Bank. The official RBI Grade B Exam Notification is yet to be released on the official website. Successful candidates are inducted into the bank as officers in the following departments: Direct Recruitment (DR) General Cadre.
The Reserve Bank of India conducts examinations for recruitment to various posts in the RBI. The RBI was established in 1935 and nationalised in 1949. It is the apex bank in the country responsible for maintaining the Consolidated Fund of India and formulating banking policies.
A job in the apex bank is considered highly prestigious and hence the competition is really high and equivalent to other Government exams. In this article, we have provided some information about the different RBI exams scheduled to be conducted.
2. Why RBI PO?
1. Experience Intellectual Fulfillment
Your work as an RBI Grade B officer can make a difference in the entire financial world and touch the lives of millions. Your decisions can make the news. For your entire professional lifespan, the multidisciplinary nature of work content ensures that you are continuously facing new challenges.
2. Enhance your Skills
You get an opportunity to diversify your skills. You can move between departments and work on areas from formulation of monetary policy to dealings and trading in for and government bonds, managing public debt and bank accounts to facilitating exchange remittances by residents and nonresidents, regulating and supervising 34,000 financial entities, spearheading technology within RBI or in the financial system and even training and researching for self-development.
3. Be Confident of Stability
You have a job-hopping option within the organization as you get to serve different departments and offices. You could even go out of the organization on deputation, including multilateral organization and come back without losing your seniority.
4. Derive Social Esteem
Central banks and central bankers command respect and awe. Nationally and internationally. Working with RBI is a career more distinguished than any other in the financial world because you serve the nation rather than making profit for your company.
5. Think Together
Participate in the decision making process that encourages collective approach. Come to a work environment that is vibrant with intellectual discussions even at lunch tables. Enrich your mental and physical abilities continuously.
6. Belong to the Family
Interact with some of the best minds in the government and the financial institutions while at work and build lasting relationships among the RBI fraternity at home.
7. A Revered Profile
RBI Grade B officer is the best entry-level post job in the country. RBI is known as the banker of the banks but also an architect of India’s economy and working with which is a sign of respect and dignity in the society. It provides numerous benefits to provide satisfaction to the employees.
8. Great Salary & Perks
The monthly gross salary for RBI Grade B Officers is more than Rs. 75,000/-(without accommodation in the metropolitan cities). RBI Grade B Salary can vary from place to place depending on the location. Do we need to describe more?
RBI Grade B officers are given a large number of perks like, Leave Fare Concession, Concessional interest rates for Car/ House/ Education, etc loans, Newspaper, Book grant, Transport charges, Interest-free festival advances, Medical Facilities, Residence Furnishing allowance, etc to name a few!
9. Fierce Competition
Lakhs of aspirants are fighting to reserve a seat for themselves. From commerce graduates to UPSC Aspirants, MBA students, Students from IIT/IIM and even Ph.D. holders are competing to gain a position in RBI as a Grade B officer.
3. How to prepare?
1. Know the RBI Grade B Syllabus for Phase I and Phase II Along With Marks Distribution
If you’re a fresher-aspirant who’s just beginning with the preparation of the RBI Grade B Exam, it is imperative that you are through with the RBI Grade B syllabus of both Phases, Phase I, and Phase II at the onset of your RBI Grade B preparation. It will help you in planning your study schedule. Also, once you’re through with the marks distribution and syllabus of each section, you’ll be able to prioritize topics that are problematic and need more time to master! Know more about the syllabus and exam pattern here.
2. Follow Trending Issues in Economy and Finance
If you’re a fresher-aspirant and are just starting with RBI Grade B Preparation, start off with solving basic questions and strengthen your basics of quantitative aptitude and reasoning sections. It is also pertinent to keep a tab on trending issues in economy and finance. These are important not only for the General Awareness section but also for the Interview. According to the past years’ toppers, the best of the RBI Grade B Exam tips revolve around incorporating Economy and Finance in your schedule! It is important for all the aspirants, freshers, or serious-aspirants to stay updated with the current affairs related to the banking, economy, budget, finance, and stock exchange.
3. Make an Effective RBI Grade B Preparation Strategy for Studying
In order to be more organized and disciplined, it goes without saying that you should have a proper RBI Grade B preparation strategy that you can use to make a daily schedule and study-plan. Whether you’re a professional or a college student, it is important to identify the number of hours you can devote to your preparation. And in consonance with that, prepare a schedule covering both short-term and long-term goals. That being said, it is also important you make realistic goals that can be easily achieved. Invest more time in problematic areas. And keep revising the concepts and tricks that you learn simultaneously to retain.
4. Include Previous Year Question Papers In Your RBI Grade B Preparation Strategy
Have a look at the previous years’ papers. That is the best tool to understand the trend of the exam and to what extent questions have deviated from the given topics. You must prepare previous year question papers to know the exam pattern, difficulty level, topic-wise distribution of questions, marking scheme, etc. Solving previous year question papers will build confidence in you and increase your question-solving skills. It will not only give you a clearer picture of the exam pattern but also will help you in assessing your performance
5. Practice Mock Tests for RBI Grade B Exam
Mock Tests play an important role in RBI Grade B Preparation. You should attempt mock tests after completing the syllabus as it will fine-tune your strategy and sharpen time management skills. Mock tests give you a simulation of the actual test and the analysis thereafter will help you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses. It will also help you in determining your speed & accuracy while helping you improve on it. You will also get your rank vis-a-vis other test-takers. Thus, mock-test based learning is indeed one of the best ways for revision. It will take your RBI Grade B preparation to the highest level.
4. Important materials:
RBI Grade B Syllabus (Phase 1)
The RBI Grade B exam comprises four sections:
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Reasoning Ability
- English Language
The section-wise RBI Grade B syllabus for the Phase I examination is given below in detail. Aspirants can refer to the RBI Grade B Officer syllabus given below and start the preparation for the RBI Grade B exam.
RBI Grade B Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude:
Ratio & Proportion | Mensuration |
Percentage | Average |
Speed, Time and Distance | Time and Work |
Permutation and Combination | Mixture and Alligation |
Data Interpretation | Probability |
Stocks and Shares | Simplification |
Quadratic Equations | Inequalities |
Number Series | Upstream and Downstream |
Profit and Loss | Simple and Compound Interest |
RBI Grade B Syllabus for Reasoning Ability:
Puzzles | Seating Arrangement |
Inequalities | Direction Test |
Blood Relation | Syllogism |
Input-Output | Data Sufficiency |
Machine Input | Coding-Decoding |
Ranking | Alphanumeric series |
RBI Grade B Syllabus for English Language:
Reading Comprehension | Cloze Test |
Fill in the Blanks | Sentence Rearrangement |
Jumbled Words/Sentences | Error Spotting |
Sentence Framing | Match the columns |
Vocabulary | Grammar |
Tenses Rules | Idioms & Phrases |
RBI Grade B Syllabus for General Awareness:
Current Affairs | Indian Financial System |
Indian Banking System | Banking Awareness |
Banking History | Monetary Plans |
Economic News | National and International Institutions |
Bank Terms & Abbreviations | Government Schemes |
Banking Agreements | Sports News |
Awards | Books and Authors |
Static GK – General Knowledge about Dams, Sanctuaries, National Parks, Stadiums, Airports, Country, Capital & Currency, etc. |
RBI Grade B Syllabus (Phase 2)
The RBI Grade B Syllabus will test the candidates in the following areas:
- Economic and Social Sciences
- English
- Finance & Management
RBI Grade B Syllabus for Economic and Social Sciences:
Growth and Development | Economic Reforms in India |
Social Structure in India | Corporate Governance |
Development in the Financial Sector | Export-Import Policy |
Illiteracy | Balance of Payments |
Rise in Inequality | Rigid Labor Law |
Human Resource Development | Inflation |
Regionalism and Language Conflicts | Poor Education Standards |
Globalizations | Social Structure in India |
Employment Generation in India | Sustainable Development |
Monetary and Fiscal Policy | Social Sectors in India |
Benefits of International Trade | Direct and Indirect Taxes |
Insurance and Capital Marketing | Government debt |
RBI Grade B Syllabus for Finance and Management:
Union Budget | Regulation of Banks |
Risk Management in Banking Sector | Technology in Finance |
Corporate Governance | Human Resource Development |
Motivation and Incentives | Regulators of banks and financial institutions |
Development in the Financial Sector | Financial sector Regulations |
Monetary Policy | Union Budget |
Inflation | The Managing Process |
Career Planning | Role of Incentives |
Role of Information Technology | Communication Channels |
Leadership | Nature and Scope of Management |
a. E-books:
RBI Grade B Exam Booklist | |
Subjects | Name of Book and Author/Publications |
Quantitative Aptitude |
| |
| |
Reasoning Ability |
| |
| |
General Awareness |
English Language |
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Finance and Management |
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Economic and Social Sciences |
| |
b. Videos:
How to prepare for RBI PO:
RBI PO strategy:
Study tips for RBI PO:
Complete information of RBI PO:
Preparation strategy for RBI PO:
Strategy to crack RBI PO:
RBI PO preparation:
5. Previous year question papers with answers:
RBI PO 2018 question paper:
RBI PO 2017 question paper:
RBI PO 2015 question paper:
RBI PO sample paper1:
RBI PO sample paper2:
6. Important tips:
- Know About Reserve Bank Of India (RBI)
It is very important to know about the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) prior to starting the preparation for the Grade B Officer exam. Getting familiar with the role and responsibilities of RBI not only helps you crack the online examination but also during the personality interview. Pay special attention to the key functions such as policy rates and reserve ratios.
- Number Of Attempts
A fresher should know that there is a restriction on the number of attempts. If you are a serious aspirant, never waste the attempts. Candidates belonging to the general category have only six attempts to clear the phase 1 online examination. However, there is no such restriction on candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC castes.
- Understand The Syllabus Of Phases 1 & 2
The official notification has clearly provided the detailed syllabus for the phase 2 examination and provided the section names in phase 1. Aspirants have to tour the syllabus of the other competitive examinations such as SSC CGL and IBPS PO to know what exactly the section carries. Though the format of the questions will be different in the RBI Grade B Officer exam, one can consider the syllabus. The bank will provide the detailed information about the examination in an information handout, which will be released with the admission letter. Until then, explore the syllabus of phase 2 here.
- Follow Trending Issues In Economy & Finance
If you are a fresher to the RBI examination, start your preparation with the basic concepts of RBI besides following the trending issues in economy and finance. Stay updated with the current affairs related to the banking, budget, economy, stock exchange and finance; this will acquaint you with the exam preparation. Also, read business and finance columns written by experts.
- Make An Effective Study Schedule
To be honest, a fresher or a beginner should put extra efforts compared to senior aspirants to crack the RBI Grade B Officer examination. Hence, one should prepare an effective study schedule. If you are not from any finance background, acquaint yourself with financial terminology and basic concepts. Make a study schedule which should focus primarily on phase 1. Once you are confident about phase 1, you can draft a new plan to prepare for phase 2 because the screening round is tough in almost all the examinations because of the competition.