MS Word Free Material

  • What is MS Word?

The word processor that is used in the Microsoft Office software suite is Microsoft Word. It was first released in 1983 and is one of the most widely used as well as familiar pieces of office software in the world. It is a Microsoft flagship product, found worldwide in schools and workplaces, and has both Mac and Windows PC models. So widespread is the use of Word, that its active rivals are commonly referred to as “Word alternatives” and stating computer literacy at any level is to suggest at least a basic proficiency with Word. 

Word is a word processor, but that’s not all it is, it’s capable of a lot more than just carrying out the features that are popular in this category for all applications. It allows professional documents such as letters and reports to be produced, edited and saved. Microsoft Word has functions that include spell check, grammar check, text and font formatting, HTML support, image support, advanced page layout, and more, unlike a plain text editor.

  • Why MS Word?

Microsoft Word enables us to build records, emails, and résumés of professional quality. We can use the spell checker after typing the content in the Word document to figure out certain terms that have typing errors so as to fix them. It also makes it easier to substitute words or phrases with Word suggestions in the Word document. Microsoft Word allows you to separate content into different topic-based paragraphs to make it easier to organize Word content well. It also allows you to add Page Number, Header and Footer to each Word page so that readers can easily indicate the main topic and the location where it is in the Word document. 

In reality, MS Word helps to easily create simple word processing documents, such as letters and reports, enabling the individual to add color and clip art. Writing and using tables, borders and bullet formatting in different fonts and sizes reduces dullness or boredom and increases productivity. There is always certain use of the term Microsoft for almost every career in the world. It helps to reduce the time, effort and resources of users to a great degree in all professional requirements relating to business correspondence. It is one of the best tools for Microsoft to reduce one’s workload and make it more efficient today.

  • Important Materials

  • E- books 


Word 2007: The Missing Manual by Chris Grover –


Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using C# with word, excel –


Word 2003 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies by Doug Lowe –


Microsoft Office Word by Torben Lage Frandsen –


  • Videos



  1. Important Tips for MS Word

Microsoft Word is the most popular globally used word-processing program. It is backed by the powerful Microsoft Office suite.  It is not so complicated to learn and use. There are some simple tips and tricks which a layman can prefer with no such qualification. It has transformed over the years with online subscriptions which offers access on various multiple devices. It’s customizable, dependable, and has lots of incorporated functions which many users may not have known. So, there are some short easy tips for better learning of Ms Word -:

  1. Text can be selected easily and quickly by pressing the CTRL key and by clicking the sentence you want to select in the paragraph.
  2.  It has the best extended clipboard version where you can use the “Spike” feature which is used to cut (move) & paste text and images from multiple locations in a document to different locations.
  3. If you are writing a lengthy Word document then you can use the Shift+F5 keyboard shortcut to go through the spots that you have edited most recently.  Also, you can open an existing document inside word by the same above shortcut which can take you to the location that you were working on when the document was last closed.
  4. The Sentence Case can be changed easily with Shift+F3 and If you know the special code of a character, you can easily add it to your document by typing the code followed by Alt+ X.
  5. It has a hidden calculator which can use all types of common arithmetic operations in work.







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