Mongo DB Free Material

What is MongoDB?

It caters to a document-oriented NoSQL database which can be effectively used for voluminous data storage. MongoDB does not use tables and rows as in the case of traditional and relational databases. Rather, it uses collections as well as documents. The documents that contain key-value pairs which form the basic unit of data in case of MongoDB. Whereas, collection consists of document sets and function sets that remain equivalent to relational database tables. This database came into use in the mid-2000s. 


Why MongoDB?

There are a great number of reasons which cater to the usefulness of MongoDB. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  1. Document-oriented – MongoDB is known to be a database that is of NoSQL type. It has data in a relational type of format; rather, it stores the required data in a document format. This feature makes the database immensely flexible as well as adaptable to the requirements and situations in the real business world. 
  2. Indexing – To improve the performance of the search that happens within MongoDB, indexes can be created. Any field in the MongoDB document can be easily indexed. 
  3. Load balancing – 
  4. Ad hoc queries – The database supports situations like searching by fields or range queries as well as searches of regular expression. Queries can be formulated to return specific fields within the documents. 
  5. Replication – The MongoDB database is known to provide high availability with respect to the replica sets. Normally, a replica set contains more than two MongoDB instances. 


Important materials

E-books – 

The Little Mongo DB Schema Design Book by Christian Amor Kvalheim –

Implementing Mongo DB with Spring MVC to Support Shared Student Web Space by Ashish Kastury –

MongoDB in Action by Kyle Banker & Peter Bakkum & Shaun Verch & Doug Garrett & Tim Hawkins –

Mongo DB – Northeastern University by Truc Pham –

Hybrid Applications Using MongoDB and MySQL by Kristina Chodorow –


Videos – 

MongoDB Crash Course –

MongoDB Tutorial | MongoDB Course | MongoDB Training –

MySQL vs MongoDB –

MongoDB Complete Introduction & Summary –

Mongodb tutorials | Mongodb : Introduction –


Important tips

MongoDB is the chief NoSQL report information base for current designers chipping away at elite applications. With its JSON-like records, MongoDB is eminent for flat scaling and burden adjusting, which offers engineers a magnificent equilibrium of customization and versatility. In any case, similar to any elite instrument, MongoDB performs best in the possession of a specialist who understands what they’re doing. Execution issues may demonstrate that the information base isn’t functioning as hard as possible and that particular improvements could prompt better execution. Impromptu questions, ordering, and ongoing conglomeration give incredible approaches to get to information. MongoDB is a circulated information base naturally, which considers sweeping even versatility with no progressions to application rationale. Pretty darn quick. Essential key or list questions should take only a couple milliseconds. Inquiries without files rely upon assortment size and machine specs, and so forth MongoDB needs sufficient RAM to hold your functioning set in memory. Obviously, the specific answer relies upon your information size and your jobs. You can utilize MongoDB Atlas for auto-scaling. Most designers would concur that the initial phase in upgrading execution is to comprehend expected and genuine question designs. When you realize your application’s inquiry designs like the rear of your hand, you can plan your information model and select proper files as needs be.


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