Japanese N3 material

- What is Japanese N3
JLPT N3 or Japanese N3 level deals with the ability of the individuals to understand Japanese language that is used in everyday situations to a great degree. The level deals with both the reading and listening aspect of the Japanese language.
In case of reading, the individuals get ideas on the reading and understanding of the written materials that contain specific contents in relation to everyday topics. The individuals also learn how to grasp the summary information as in case of newspaper headlines and many more. Unlike N4 and N5, in this level, the individuals are able to understand the difficult writings to a certain extent. These difficult writings are normally in context with everyday situations. The individuals can understand the critical points of the content by the help of some alternative phrase. These alternative phrases come as the aid to a person’s understanding.
As far as the listening part is concerned, the individuals gain the ability to listen as well as comprehend various coherent conversations from day-to-day life situations. At this level, they are able to accept the meaning of the words spoken at a near-natural pace. Along with understanding the words, they are also able to understand the context of the conversation and the relationship of the individuals who are in the conversation.
- Why Japanese N3
JLPT N3 or Japanese N3 is a great way for the individuals to validate their Japanese ability and skills. The individuals who pass this level of Japanese language significantly understand the upper-intermediate level of Japanese vocabulary. This proves to be immensely beneficial in case of corporate as well as academic endeavors.
The reading part considers almost 6500 kanji and takes the readers closer towards the phonetic aspect of the vocabulary. As the individuals are able to understand the complex and difficult words to a certain extent, they get the access to understand bulletins in Japanese newspapers and gain important information. This level let the individuals understand the grammatical pattern and understand the language in amore proficient manner.
As the individuals now are able to get the meaning of words in near-natural pace conversation, they can initiate conversation in Japanese language without any fear. They can now understand the native speakers and converse with them as well.
- How to prepare for Japanese N3?
The Japanese N3 level gives the individual’s opportunity to showcase their skills in the Japanese language. It is the upper-intermediate level that requires great efforts.
- The individuals can take help of different study material to prepare for the exam. Give special focus to the prescribed number of kanjis.
- Listen to podcasts and different Japanese audios to get acquainted with the language and understand the phonetic part of the same.
- Take guidance of experts to get a better understanding of the language.
- Prepare the grammar aspect. Taking mock tests can prove helpful in learning in a better manner.
- Important Materials
- E-books
Japanese N3 Vocab list –
Japanese N3 Grammar list –
Japanese N3 book –
Japanese N3 book –
- Videos
Learn JLPT N3 Vocabulary 1-200 – https://youtu.be/5jqBXHux7xA
Learn All 1850 JLPT N3 Vocabulary (日本語能力試験 ) – https://youtu.be/YQ32uhNm0Rk
50 Intermediate Kanji You Must-Know for the JLPT N3 – https://youtu.be/keIqBNV7za4
JLPT N3 LISTENING Sample Exam with Answers – https://youtu.be/chjx4NAnS8s
JLPT N3 FULL Listening Test + Answers, Japanese Library – https://youtu.be/XunWBNWxYGY
- Sample papers for Japanese N3 –
Test question sample – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N3-mondai.pdf
Listening audio question sample – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/mp3/N3Sample.mp3
Answer key – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N3-kaitou.pdf
Listening question script – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N3-script.pdf
Answers – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N3-seikai.pdf
Sample paper – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/n3/index.html
- Important tips on Japanese N3
- Give importance to kanji. It will not be much difficult because around 300 kanjis are covered in N4 and N5. This level takes the total of 650 kanjis.
- It is very important to enhance the vocabulary in order to get better with time. There are many websites available which you can check to effectively enhance your vocabulary.
- Keep a check on the grammar aspect of the language as it is very important at this level.
- There are a number of books available which you can prefer to get knowledge about the Japanese N3 level of the language.
- For the listening part, just looking into the books is not enough. The individuals have to watch different series in the language and watch Japanese news channels. In this way they can understand the flow of conversation.