Japanese N1 material

- What is Japanese N1?
Japanese N1 level helps the individuals to gain the ability to read different writings having logical complexities. They also get to understand the abstract writings on a number of topics as in case of newspaper editorials as well as critiques. The individuals even get knowledge on how to comprehend both the structure as well as contents. With the help of the knowledge gained from the N1 level, one can easily read various written materials having profound contents on different topics. One is easily able to follow the narratives and even understand the intentions of the writers comprehensively.
With the help of listening part of the level, the individuals learn how to comprehend the orally presented materials like the coherent conversations, lecture, news reports and many more. The individuals are also able to understand the conversation at a natural pace after completing this level of Japanese language. Not only the individuals can understand the conversation, but they can also follow the idea and understand the context of the conversation. The relationships of the individuals carrying out the conversation can also be known and the logical structures along with the essential points are signified from the conversation.
- Why Japanese N1?
This is the most difficult level of the JLPT series and opens up the way for immigration to Japan. The individuals gain fluency in understanding and communicating the language after taking the N1 level examination. The individuals who want to work and study in Japan can also take the advantage of the exam by learning the language and utilizing it in enhancing their career as well as knowledge.
Reaching to the Japanese N1 level shows the dedication of a person in completing all the other levels and learning the language efficiently and effectively. It can boost confidence in an individual of successfully learning a foreign language. It increases the linguistic level of the individuals and studies have shown that learning new languages sharpens the mind of the learner. This level requires the knowledge of around 2,500 kanji characters, 10,000 vocabulary words and almost 6,000 grammar points.
- How to prepare for Japanese N1?
The preparation for Japanese N1 level takes a lot of effort. The exam shows the dedication and interest of the individuals to pursue it.
- The candidates can prefer advanced level textbooks on Japanese to prepare for N1 level. It is important to pick out the study material of recent editions to cope up with the recent changes in the pattern.
- The individuals should look at preparing the kanji, grammar and vocabulary recognitions. This will help greatly while preparing for the reading section of the exam.
- The listening section requires advanced level audio for preparation. The candidates should listen to normal paced audios to effectively understand the phonetics and expressions in the conversation.
- Taking help of flashcards while studying is a great way of memorizing the topics and understanding the concepts.
- Practice a number of mock tests and sample papers to know about the pattern. This will help in gaining a sense of time management.
- Important Materials
- E-books
Japanese N1 Grammar Book –
Japanese N1 Book –
Vocabulaire JLPT N1 –
JLPT N1 Vocab List –
N1 Annotation – New Japanese ability test pre-test strategies –
- Videos
50 Proficiency Kanji You Must-Know for the JLPT N1 – https://youtu.be/lefOBF6zdCY
JLPT N1 Listening | Sample Exam with Answers – https://youtu.be/NjzTtbBK1Ls
Learn all JLPT N1 Vocabulary【日本語能力試験 N1】 – https://youtu.be/uOarTW9Uxcg
JLPT N1 Advanced 2800 Vocabulary – https://youtu.be/egT7-4FpwWw
Learn 200 Japanese words for JLPT/N1 – https://youtu.be/5I-ldYt2K6g
- Sample papers for Japanese N1 level –
Test question sample – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N1-mondai.pdf
Listening question audio sample – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/mp3/N1Sample.mp3
Answer key – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N1-kaitou.pdf
Listening question script – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N1-script.pdf
Answers – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/pdf/N1-seikai.pdf
Sample paper – https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/n1/index.html
- Important tips for Japanese N1
- There are many websites of the Japanese newspapers like the Asahi Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun which contain a wide range of articles. Reading out those articles can help the candidates in a great way.
- You can try reading short story books or even the Japanese-English translation books which prove to be effective.
- Memorizing the kanji always helps in all the levels of the JLPT series.
- One can learn better in company. Having a language partner will help in learning a language efficiently. You can communicate with him/her and keep up with the fluency and acquaintance with the language.
- Watch different Japanese news channels and read Japanese newspapers to enhance credibility of the knowledge.