German C2

What is German C2?
The German C2 course. One more step to achieving the full course and testing your fullest abilities. This course is the beginning of your detailed and complex situations that you can overcome and apply into your daily life. All the modules are a combination by which you can work through different aspects of the world such as political, social or academicals.
Why German C2? Benefits and opportunities
This course will prepare and set you for anything that shall be in your way. This course is going to set you right into the streets of Germany. Being able to converse with native speakers as well as being able to get on with your daily routine. These materials will be right by your side for your support and guidance. The benefits of this course are endless. Your road is being paved. It’s your chance to pave your direction.
How to prepare for German C2?
- Debates
- Analysation of documents and speeches
- World issues: Analysation and written
- Conversing with native speakers
- Complex grammar
- Construction of arguments and presentations
- Analysis of the world daily needs
- Being able to go through your daily lives without any hassles.
Tips and tricks:
During the process of this course it is important to make sure that you’re able to push yourself. Self-motivation helps you keep yourself centered and focused. These tips and tricks will ensure to keep you engaged.
- Listening to the local radio
- Test yourself
- Sample papers
- Audio recordings
- Local movies
- Communication with trainers
The tips and tricks gained here will ensure to keep your passion. It is to make sure you keep up the drive and the urge to learn more. Keep yourself in track, self-motivation is key.
Preparation patterns:
Keeping a high and constant schedule will allow you to have a better planning and understanding during this course. The pattern of exam is listed below but will also give you an insight on the things to focus on. The best way to prepare is to plan ahead. At Elan we provide you with all the tips and guidance. This shall prepare you for the course. Keep your head held high.
Important materials:
E-books – Model exercises – Practice exercises – Video links-
- Overview of levels //
- Vocabulary //
- Grammar //
- Native speakers //
- Pronunciation //
- Modal particles (Part 1) //
- Modal Participles (Part 2) //
- Modal participles (part 3) //
- German verbs //
- Listening comprehension //
- Common phrases //
Sample Papers- Modalsatz: Hormodul (Part 1): Ubungssets: Hormoful (Part 2):
Important tips for German C2 and the examinations:
Exam details- This examination consists of 4 modules, listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening examinations will curate for about 35 minutes. You will be asked to listen to audio recordings of reports, media coverage, interviews etc. Being a higher level, the level of complexity will also be increased. You will be asked to share your opinions, understandings etc. The various exercises and tasks will be provided to you and remember to follow and cover all the given points. The reading section of the examination will have a duration for about 80 minutes. You will be provided with texts/passages, commentaries, reports, advertisements etc. You will be asked to showcase your writing abilities to the fullest. Your texts and sentences should be effortless. It is to test your knowledge even when the passage can be complex and abstract. The writing examination will also continue for 80 minutes. You will be told to write short parts of the report. You will also be asked to write a text based on a general given topic. All your texts should be well structured and in the appropriate style. Remember if the task asks you to write an email follow the right connotations. You will also be given 2 general topics and 2 passages from books which you will need to correlate. The speaking examination will be where you need to present a complex topic for example globalisation, global warming etc. You would need to respond to the questions asked and explain the argument that you are making. You will be asked to make statements and back up your statements. You will also be put in a partner situation where there could be different genres and topics. Exam cracking tips – All the tips learnt during this course will guide you through your examination. Remember to pace yourself. Don’t stress. Work on the different strategies provided to you. When reading make sure to underline or highlight the important fact. During writing beware of your time. Keep yourself focused. Don’t deviate to another topic or factor, focus on one and keep building the idea. Read the instructions carefully. Follow them and make sure that you’re rechecking your answers. During the listening test make sure to write down important dates, names etc. Make sure to always keep your focus. When you are calm and centred you can achieve it all.
If you are interested to learn German Language, then click on the link:
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