German B2

What is German B2?
This course is your chance to draw and create your own future. Bereit? The German B2 course is created for the connection of the inner and outer selves. This connection binds the language and the capabilities within yourself. It’s a chance to push yourself. This course is going to be complex and would reach a higher level of compatibility.
Why German B2? Benefits and opportunities
The syllabus contains subjects and topics with both the real-life issues as well as being able to express these issues in the best possible manner. Each module will be able to guide you through the topics in the upcoming courses as well as being able to grow. The materials provided here will guide and support you. At our academy there’s no chance of hesitation. We are here at your service at all times.
A life changing step starts with the right materials and course. Which is why Elan Academy has provided free resources to enhance in your personal time and grow according to your pace whilst learning with professional trainers. This course is your road. Whether you choose to turn right or left we will be by your side.
How to prepare for German B2?
- Understanding and detailed analysis of complex passages specifies in the topics of technology, science, education and more
- Being able to express the connect fluently with native speakers as a regular interaction
- Being able to grammatically structure detailed texts and emphasis on a common and complicated issues
- To effectively use language in social, academic and professional level
- Using and analysing conjunction, effects, advantage and short comings of the topic of discussion
Tips and tricks:
The advice and support provided will guide you through this course. It’ll help you be centred and calm. All these tips are engaging to ensure that your passion is encouraged and supported.
- YouTube videos
- Audio books
- Short stories
- News channels
- Radios
- Movies
- Newspapers
- E-books
- Textbooks
- Interviews with native speakers
- Conversation with native speakers
Preparation patterns:
Keeping a high and constant schedule will allow you to have a better planning and understanding during this course. The pattern of exam is listed below but will also give you an insight on the things to focus on.
The best way to prepare is to plan ahead. At Elan we provide you with all the tips and guidance. This shall prepare you for the course. Keep your head held high.
Important materials:
Model sets –
Video links-
- Conjuctions //
- Prefiex //
- Separable prefix //
- Everyday phrases //
- Verbs //
- Adjective //
- Conversation //
Sample papers:-
Einleitung (Introduction):
Leseverstehen (reading comprehension):
Task 1 – Headings
Task 2 – Find information
Task 3 – multiple choice task
Schreiben (Written):
Task 1 – letter
Task 2 – Election topic
Horverstehen (listening comprehension):
Task 1 – short talks
Task 2 – summary
Task 3 – radio broadcast
Sprechen Paarprufung (Speaking):
Task 1 – conversation
Task 2 – picture history
Task 3 – transactional dialogues
Task 4 – common task
Important tips for German B2 and the examinations:
Exam details –
This examination consists of 4 modules, listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The listening module consists of 4 parts. Each part consists of 20 questions carrying 20 points. The first part will provide 5 different dialogues which will be played twice. The second part will be 1 dialogue consisting of 5 questions. The 3rd part will have 5 dialogues which will only be played once. The 4th part will be one dialogue with 5 statements. This dialogue will be played twice.
The reading module also consists of 4 parts. The first part will have one passage along with 5 sentences. You would need to coordinate the sentences with the passage. The 2nd part will have information based on the 5 questions provided. The 2nd passage could be from any ranging topic. It is important to read through them all and have a clear understanding. The 3rd part will be in the format of an email. This section will also consist of 5 statements or questions that you need to correlate. The 4th part is 5 sentences and 5 texts that you would need to match together.
The writing module consists of 2 parts. The 1st part will be where you have to write a short paragraph on the given topic. The second part is where you will be given a theme ad you would have to write a letter revolving around the theme and possible points given in the question itself.
The speaking module consists of 3 parts. The first part is done with another candidate. A situation where you would receive 4 cards and would have to frame questions based on them whilst your partner answers the question. This process will be done both ways. The 2nd part would consist of receiving 1 main theme and 4 words revolving around it. You would need to describe yourself with the correlation of the theme and the 4 words. The 3rd part is when you play a role with a partner as a dialogue. You would both have to speak for about 3-4 minutes.
Exam cracking tips –
All the tips learnt during this course will guide you through your examination. Remember to pace yourself. Don’t stress. Work on the different strategies provided to you. When reading make sure to underline or highlight the important fact. During writing beware of your time. Keep yourself focused. Don’t deviate to another topic or factor, focus on one and keep building the idea. Read the instructions carefully. Follow them and make sure that you’re rechecking your answers. During the listening test make sure to write down important dates, names etc. Make sure to always keep your focus. When you’re calm and centred you can achieve it all.
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