C++ Training Free Materials

  • What is C++?

Computer technology has evolved at an unbelievable rate since the last few decades.  In this generation, laptops can compute faster and store more information than a whole computer system forty to fifty years back. The first commercially available language was FORTRAN, developed in 1956 by a team led by John Backus at IBM. FORTRAN was lacking the major concept of Object-Oriented Programming. To overcome this problem and for the cause that other programming languages can simulate real life applications, C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language. The language has significantly grown over time, and now the modern C++ has various new features including object-oriented, generic, functional features in order to provide low-level memory manipulation. C++ was designed by thinking of low-level programming languages; therefore, it is more inclined toward system programming and embedded systems. C++ is not a purely high-level language nor a purely low-level language. It provides the features of both the languages, due to its direct access of memory (Pointers) for which it is widely used for kernel programming. C++ has been found useful in many fields, for its key strengths being software infrastructure and direct memory access including desktop applications, video games, servers and real time applications. 

  • Why C++?

All the major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Android, Ubuntu, iOS, etc. are mostly written in C++ programming language. The Windows applications are written in C++, while Android applications are written in Java along with C++. C++ is used in kernel and embedded programming.  C++ is even used because of the speed and strongly typed nature of the language.  It is closer to the hardware level of a computer and is a comparatively low-level language. One interesting thing about C++ is that the programs written in C++ can be moved from one platform to another with a lot of ease.  It is also an object oriented programming language which is a must have property for a modern day programming language. Due to its memory management, it allows better control over the memory and due to its rich collection of libraries, users can write more optimised code in a short duration of time. C++ is well supported by various cross platform Graphical User Interface kits. It has a huge amount of documentation, community and support. Users have the full control over the OS they are using that provides more security and flexibility to them while developing applications. 

  • Important material

  • E-books – 

Introduction to C++ (and C) Programming by Hans Petter Langtangen – 



C++ Programming Language for Beginners with Easy tips by Malini Devi – 



C++: The Ultimate Guide to Learn C++ and SQL Programming Fast (C++ for beginners, c programming by Stephen Hoffman & Stanley Hoffman – 



Learn C++ Programming Language: Become A Complete C++ Programmer by Singh Virender – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XbTr9T0nqOPupOW3fikgwkvU8Fw7TOZ0/view?usp=sharing


Learn Professional Programming Skill in C++ Programming Language by Adalat Khan – 



  • Videos – 


  1. Important tips for learning C++ programming

  1. One has to put emphasis on coding. By undertaking the codes, he/she can understand the faults committed in case of planning and it will even help in error controlling. It is necessary to study the codes and its outcomes and check if the final result is correct or not. 
  2. The individuals can enhance their knowledge and skills by reading various books on C++ programming. This will help in knowing the difference between decent and not so decent codes. 
  3. Practicing different information constructions and algorithms helps in learning C++ in a better way. It is even useful to plan certain inter related difficulties in order to understand programming more efficiently. 
  4. It is good to test everything that is in the module and use different inputs that are typically assumed. Then one can try using the possible inputs which are less communal. This process helps in flushing out any secreted bugs present in the programming. Knowledge related to this standing is important so as to learn programming effectively. 
  5. Keep space for necessary changes because in real life situations, sometimes, the codes need certain changes. 

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