The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts the IBPS PO Bank Exam which is your gateway to the much sought after bank jobs. IBPS provides its services to all Public-Sector Banks, SBI, Associate Banks of SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, LIC & Insurance companies and other Banks which are regular members of the IBPS society.

bank po/ibps po

Bank PO/IBPS PO Exam Pattern

IBPS introduced separate sectional timing for each sections in preliminary exam. The IBPS PO exam (CWE 10) for hiring candidates will be based on an online written exam in two parts: Tier 1 or IBPS Preliminary Exam and Tier 2 or IBPS Mains Exam. This examination is followed by a face-to-face interview process.

Bank PO/IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern

The IBPS PO preliminary examination has a total duration of 1 hour and 20 minutes for each sections, which will be conducted in online mode. It consists of 3 sections with a total of 100 questions and maximum score of 100 marks. There is negative marking in IBPS PO pre exam and 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer. Candidates must clear the cut-off in all 3 sections to qualify for the IBPS PO Main exam. The section-wise details are given below:

S.No.Name of Tests(ObjectiveNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes

Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.

Bank PO/IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern

The IBPO PO Main exam is also conducted online, it has 5(4+1) sections with a total score of 200+25 marks and total duration of 180+30 minutes. Just like IBPS PO 2017, IBPS will be conducting a descriptive paper in its mains exam for selection of candidates to the post of Probationary officer. The sections must be attempted in the same order and the allotted time as mandated at the time of the exam. A candidate has to clear both preliminary and mains examination to be eligible for the interview process.

S.No.Name of Tests(ObjectiveNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2English Language354040 minutes
3Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
4General Economy & Banking Awareness404035 minutes
Total1552003 Hours
5English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)22530 minutes

Bank PO/IBPS PO Syllabus

IBPS exam syllabus is no different from any other bank exam. While IBPS issues only the broad subjects, they can be further subdivided into individual topics, based on the questions that have appeared in the exams over the past few years. The IBPS PO syllabus is divided into two parts:

Bank PO/IBPS PO Prelims Exam Syllabus

This comprises of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language.

ReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures &AlligationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMultiple Meaning / Error Spotting
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMiscellaneous
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData Interpretation
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood RelationsNumber Systems
Input OutputSequence & Series
Coding DecodingPermutation, Combination &Probability

Bank PO/IBPS PO Mains Exam Syllabus

This comprises of 5 sections: Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative, Aptitude, General Awareness, Computer Aptitude.

Quantitative Aptitude SyllabusGeneral Awareness SyllabusReasoning & Computer Aptitude SyllabusEnglish Language Syllabus
SimplificationFinancial AwarenessVerbal ReasoningInternetReading Comprehension
AverageCurrent AffairsSyllogismMemoryVocabulary
PercentageGeneral KnowledgeCircular Seating ArrangementKeyboard ShortcutsGrammar
Ratio and PercentageLinear Seating ArrangementComputer AbbreviationVerbal Ability
Data InterpretationDouble LineupMicrosoft Office
Mensuration and GeometrySchedulingComputer Hardware
Quadratic EquationInput OutputComputer Software
InterestBlood RelationsOperating System
Problems of AgesDirections and DistancesNetworking
Profit and LossOrdering and RankingComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
Number SeriesData Sufficiency
Speed, Distance and TimeCoding and Decoding
Time and WorkCode Inequalities
Number System
Data Sufficiency
Linear Equation
Permutation and Combination
And Probability
Mixture and Allegations

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