Spanish B2

What is Spanish B2?

This course is continuation from the last one so many will seem familiar but here we are showing you how to express yourself in a more detailed manner. Expression is the hardest and easiest thing. You have taken the challenge so far. Take this one too. It will take you one step closer to your final pedestals.

Why Spanish B2? Benefits and opportunities

This course is designed in a manner which will slowly and steadily guide you through the right path. This course consists of more complex texts and passages Each learning outcome is designed to our base but it can be altered based on your level of understanding. Reaching to this level of the course gives you the upper hand in being more open minded and seeing the culture around. We dig more into the culture, political issues, social issues and more.

How to prepare for Spanish B2?


Functional content-

  • Connecting casual and concessive expressions
  • Expressing for or against in ideas and proposals
  • Expressing judgements and evaluations
  • Giving instructions
  • Writing letters
  • Highlighting aspects of speeches and passages
  • Paraphrase
  • Recommend and recommendations from others

Tips and Tricks:

This course can be overwhelming and stressful which is why these tips and tricks will always help you stay calm and centred during both classes and possible assignments.

  • Watching YouTube videos
  • Listening to the local radio of Germany
  • Watching local movies
  • Guidance from teachers
  • Sample papers
  • Test yourself
  • Audio recordings from native speakers

Self-motivation is your biggest key. Once you are capable of pushing yourself to your fullest capabilities you will be able to understand the depth of the language. The materials provided here will guide you and support you when you feel a bit lost.

Grammar content:

  • Indirect style
  • Irregular negative imperative
  • Placement of imperative
  • Present subjunctive
  • Indicative
  • Verbs
  • Conjunctions
  • Simple conational
  • Imperfect subjunctive

Preparation patterns:

Keeping a high and constant schedule will allow you to have a better planning and understanding during this course. The pattern of exam is listed below but will also give you an insight on the things to focus on.

The best way to prepare is to plan ahead. At Elan we provide you with all the tips and guidance. This shall prepare you for the course. Keep your head held high.

Important materials:

Ebooks –

Video links –

Advanced revision –

Listening comprehension –

Vocabulary –

Subjunctives –

Listening lessons –

Conversations –

Possessives –

Sample papers –

Sample paper #1 –

Sample paper #2 –

Sample paper #3 –

Sample paper #4 –

Sample paper #5 –

Important tips for Spanish B2 and the examination:

Exam details –

This examination will consist of 4 modules: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

All these modules will be divided into 2 groups. The first group will be a reading comprehension. This part of the examination will have a duration of 70 minutes. This time will have you doing 4 tasks. The second part would be a written comprehension which is a duration of 80 minutes. In this time, we will complete 2 tasks.

The second group consists of listening comprehension and orals. The listening comprehension is a test of 40 minutes and the test will have 5 tasks. For the oral examination you will be given 20 minutes to prepare and then 20 more minutes to present.

Make sure to prioritize your work so that you’re able to complete everything on time while still being able to recheck your work.

Exam cracking tips –

All the tips learnt during this course will guide you through your examination. Remember to pace yourself. Don’t stress. Work on the different strategies provided to you. When reading make sure to underline or highlight the important fact. During writing beware of your time. Keep yourself focused. Don’t deviate to another topic or factor, focus on one and keep building the idea. Read the instructions carefully. Follow them and make sure that you’re rechecking your answers. During the listening test make sure to write down important dates, names etc. Make sure to always keep your focus. When you’re calm and centred you can achieve it all.

Spanish B2 How to prepare for DELF B2 in one month and ace it | LINGUAPATH

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