SBI PO is considered as one of the most premium jobs in the Banking sector and millions of applicants across India apply to this exam to land up with a dream bank job. The SBI Bank PO exam is an annually conducted exam and candidates across the country look for an opportunity to get recruited in the largest Public sector bank of the country.

SBI PO Exam Pattern

The SBI PO selection procedure is a 3-tier process. The written exam consists of Prelims & Mains which are conducted online, finally followed by Group Exercise & Personal Interview round. The structure of exams is as follows:

1. SBI PO Prelims Exam: In this online examination, the candidates are asked to solved SBI PO question paper of 100 marks and it consists of 3 sections –

  • English Language
  • Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning Ability

2. SBI PO Mains Exam: This test comprises of 155 questions which need to be answered in a duration of 3 hours. The paper is classified into 4 sections –

  • Data Analysis & Interpretation
  • Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
  • General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness
  • English Language

3. SBI PO Group Discussion and Personal Interview: This is the final stage of the SBI PO exam. Here the shortlisted candidates have a final face-to-face interaction with the interview panel of the respective bank.

  • SBI PO Eligibility Criteria
  • SBI PO candidates must fulfil the below-mentioned eligibility criteria before they sit for the exam:
  • SBI PO Age Limit: An applicant must be at least 21 years of age and not more than 30 years as mentioned in the official notification.
  • Educational Qualification: A candidate must be a graduate in any stream from a recognized university or have an equivalent degree/qualification which is recognized by the Central Government.
  • Age Relaxation for SBI Probationary Officer Exam
CategoryAge Relaxation
SC/ST5 years
Other Backward Class {OBC-(Non-Creamy Layer)}3 years
Persons With Disabilities (PWD) (GENERAL)10 years
Persons With Disabilities (PWD) (OBC)13 years
Persons With Disabilities (PWD) (SC/ST)15 years
Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months from the last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service or invalid5 years
Persons Ordinarily domiciled of the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period 01.01.1980 to 31.12.19895 years

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern

S.No.Name of SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour

SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern

S.No.Name of SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
3General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness404035 minutes
4English Language354040 minutes
Total1552003 hours

SBI PO Syllabus

SBI PO Syllabus for Prelims Exam

ReasoningQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures & AllegationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMiscellaneous
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMultiple Meaning /Error Spotting
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData Interpretation
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood RelationsNumber Systems
Input OutputSequence & Series
Coding DecodingPermutation, Combination &Probability

SBI PO Main Syllabus

Data Interpretation & AnalysisReasoningEnglish LanguageGeneral/Economy/ Banking AwarenessComputer Aptitude
Tabular GraphVerbal ReasoningReading ComprehensionFinancial AwarenessInternet
Line GraphSyllogismGrammarCurrent AffairsMemory
Pie ChartCircular Seating ArrangementVocabularyGeneral KnowledgeKeyboard Shortcuts
Bar GraphLinear Seating ArrangementVerbal AbilityStatic AwarenessComputer Abbreviation
Radar Graph Case letDouble Line-upWord AssociationBanking and Financial AwarenessMicrosoft Office
Missing Case DISchedulingSentence ImprovementComputer Hardware
Let it Case DIInput OutputPara JumblesComputer Software
Data SufficiencyBlood RelationsCloze TestComputer Fundamentals /Terminologies
ProbabilityDirections and DistancesError SpottingNetworking
Permutation and CombinationOrdering and RankingFill in the blanksNumber System
Data SufficiencyOperating System
Coding and DecodingBasic of Logic Gates
Code Inequalities
Course of Action
Critical Reasoning
Analytical and Decision Making


SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) Exam is held by SBI or State Bank of India to recruit candidates for Clerical Cadre in its different branches across the country. SBI Clerk facilitates the recruitment for the post of Junior Associates (JA). SBI Clerk is one of the most sought after bank exams today and a huge number of candidates appear for the same every year.

SBI Clerks (Junior Associates) are responsible for all the client interactions and related operations. Candidates who are recruited as SBI clerks are designated as cashiers, depositors and other posts that form the face of a particular SBI Bank branch. .

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern Prelims: Phase I

Preliminary Examination (online) consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows:

Serial No.SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minute

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern Mains: Phase II

The structure of main examination (online objective type) would be as follows:

Serial NumberSectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
1.General English404035 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
4.General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

SBI Clerk Syllabus


SBI Clerk will be conducted to select eligible candidates to the post of Junior Associates in one of the many branches of State Bank of India across the country. SBI Clerk syllabus is much similar to that of any other bank exam.

SBI Clerk syllabus is much similar to that of any other bank exam. There are three major sections that a candidate needs to prepare to ace the preliminary exam. These are Reasoning, Numerical Ability and English Language. The sections have a wide range of topics on which questions are based. It is recommended that candidates must have a look at the previous year papers and know about the weightage of each topic.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

The preliminary examination syllabus of SBI Clerk will comprise of Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English Language. Here is the detailed syllabus:

Reasoning SyllabusNumerical Ability SyllabusEnglish Language Syllabus
Logical ReasoningSimplificationReading Comprehension
Alphanumeric SeriesProfit & LossCloze Test
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet TestMixtures &AllegationsPara jumbles
Data SufficiencySimple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & IndicesMiscellaneous
Coded InequalitiesWork & TimeFill in the blanks
Seating ArrangementTime & DistanceMultiple Meaning /Error Spotting
PuzzleMensuration – Cylinder, Cone, SphereParagraph Completion
TabulationData Interpretation
SyllogismRatio & Proportion, Percentage
Blood RelationsNumber Systems
Input OutputSequence & Series
Coding DecodingPermutation, Combination &Probability

SBI Clerk Syllabus for Mains Exam

Quantitative Aptitude SyllabusGeneral English SyllabusGeneral/Financial Awareness SyllabusReasoning Ability SyllabusComputer Awareness Syllabus
SimplificationReading comprehension including Synonyms and AntonymsCurrent Affairs – news on banking industry, awards and honours, books and authors, latest appointments, obituaries, new schemes of central and state governments, sports, etc.InternetBasics of Computer: Hardware, Software, Generation of Computers
Number SeriesSentence rearrangement or Para jumblesStatic GK – country-capital, country-currency, headquarters of financial organizations (of insurance companies), constituencies of ministers, dance forms, nuclear and thermal power stations, etc.Machine Input/outputDBMS
Data SufficiencySentence Correction/ Error FindingBanking/Financial termsSyllogismNetworking
Data InterpretationSpell ChecksStatic AwarenessBlood RelationInternet
Quadratic EquationFillersBanking and Financial AwarenessDirection SenseMS Office
Time & Distance, WorkCloze TestInequalitiesInput-Output Devices
PartnershipPuzzlesImportant Abbreviations
Profit & LossCoding-Decoding
Simple and Compound InterestRanking
Mixture and AllegationsStatement and Assumptions
Ratio & Proportion, Averages, Percentages


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