MS Word

MS Word
Course Description
This detailed course on how to use Microsoft Word is a complete guide on the tools and features that this program has to offer. Whether you are a beginner who wants a basic tutorial of the software or a tested user that is looking to expand his/her knowledge of the software, this course is for you! The lectures start with the basics of MS Word, then moves into adding and modifying content and concludes with some of the more advanced tools that Word has to offer to give your lectures, manuals, letters, documents or reports the extra uniqueness in design and structure.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who has used MS Word and is looking to expand their knowledge of all the features and tools the product can offer
- Students, administrative assistants, marketing and communication professionals
- Anyone new to using MS Word that wants an easy to learn step-by-step tutorial on all features of the product
Good news! This course — designed and taught by editor and publisher Demi Stevens of Year of the Book Press — takes you behind the magic curtain to show you just the tools you need to get the writing done faster and more elegantly.
Using fun sample texts, along with drafts from actual manuscripts, this course goes beyond the mechanics of MS Word to show you how to format your Work-In-Progress using a series of 1-click tools like “Style” settings for chapter headers/sub-headers and main body text, table of contents, bibliography, citations, footnotes or endnotes, and indexing.
Or if you’ve been tempted to try your hand at dictating your manuscript (pun intended) — but the price tag and learning curve for Dragon Naturally Speaking ($99+) has got your mouse-hand shaking — discover the new free “Dictate” feature, which converts voice to text with astonishing accuracy.
Perfect for beginners or advanced MS Word users, you can easily target the skills you want most by lesson topic. If you simply need to solve your page numbering woes to create that illusive “intentionally blank” page between chapters, no problem! Jump straight to Lessons 12 and 13 for page breaks and headers/footers.
Can’t stand the thought of removing those now-superfluous 2nd spaces between sentences, or extra line breaks between paragraphs… one by painful one? When you’re dealing with an 80,000-word manuscript, there’s not enough wine in your rack to get you through that. Instead, skip to Lesson 9 for the almost 1-click wonders of the “Find and Replace” tool.
Maybe you’ve just landed your dream editor, and they’ve sent back your entire document with “Tracked Changes” — but you don’t know how to even begin deciphering their suggestions. Fear not! Lesson 27 will get you oriented, as well as provide ideas for what you should verify with your editor before you dive in… so you don’t waste valuable deadline time doing the work twice.
Or perhaps you’ve decided to tread the indie path and self-publish your book. Hiring a format and design team could cost $150-1000 per book. Using skills from this course, plus the bonus book-formatting lesson, you’ll be ready to create a file suitable to upload to Amazon KDP, Ingram-Spark, or other POD platform, so you can start building your author brand today!
In addition to the instructor’s work in the publishing field, Demi Stevens is a Microsoft Office Certified Trainer, so you’ll benefit from the overlap of MS Word ninja techniques plus butt-in-chair/hands-on-keyboard wisdom from the writing trenches.
Who this course is for:
- first-time authors
- seasoned and professional authors
- bloggers