German B2

German B2
Clip deine Flugel noch nicht. Es ist noch ein langer Weg. Don’t clip your wings. There is a long way to go. Which is why during this course you have every trainer’s and teacher’s full support and motivation. We are here for you and only you. This course is your chance to draw and create your own future. Bereit?
Why is this course for you?
The German B2 course is created for the connection of the inner and outer selves. This connection binds the language and the capabilities within yourself. It’s a chance to push yourself. This course is going to be complex and would reach a higher level of compatibility. The syllabus contains subjects and topics with both the real-life issues as well as being able to express these issues in the best possible manner. Each module will be able to guide you through the topics in the upcoming courses as well as being able to grow.
Why Elan Academy?
The higher the level of the course the harder the contents will be. Here at Elan we focus on ensuring that the entire syllabus has gone through smoothly and with complete understanding. We work by your pace and strength of grasping. At Elan we have dedicated trainers who are here to motivate you and drive you into a bigger passion and dreams. You’re half way through your achievements and we are here to guide you through every milestone. We will ensure to leave you with wings brighter than the moon. Your achievements are our goals.
If you are interested to get free materials for German then check out this link:
Learning outcomes for German B2:
- Understand complex passages of abstract topics
- Being able to converse fluently and spontaneously with native speakers
- Being able to be detailed and extensive when expressing themselves in a wide range of topics
- Being able to describe current issues at a detailed level about the benefits and drawbacks.
Syllabus for German B2:
- Understanding and detailed analysis of complex passages specifies in the topics of technology, science, education and more.
- Being able to express the connect fluently with native speakers as a regular interaction
- Being able to grammatically structure detailed texts and emphasis on a common and complicated issues
- To effectively use language in social, academic and professional level
- Using and analysing conjunction, effects, advantage and short comings of the topic of discussion.
Main coverage for German B2:
- Grammar
- Listening
- Pronunciation
- Reading
- Vocabulary
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