German B1

What is German B1?
The German language is a combination of complexity and culture. Today we aim to bring out your passion into the real world. Be able to test yourself. In this course you put yourself on the stand. To be able to discover your talents as well as be able to showcase your talents to the world. Being a bilingual person allows any college or job to see that this person is someone with talent and the courage to take risks. This course is a combination of all that you learnt in A1 lessons and connecting it to real-life situations.
Why German B1? Benefits and opportunities
The syllabus has been created to match the learning outcomes we hope a student is able to catch upon. It’s built so that we are able to mold you into conversations and complex texts. The materials that will be provided here will support and guide you through any process of feeling lost and incapable of completing the task. It will enhance your knowledge and be able to push yourself. Your opportunities gained in this course will benefit you and draw your life. The way you progress will determine your capabilities and strengths. The resources here will not just guide you through this course but will support your road ahead.
How to prepare for German B1?
- The ability to produce complex texts and passages connected with your personal life and routine
- To begin narrating your future aspirations and dreams as well as being able to describe them extensively
- Expressing your personal opinions and feelings as well as coordinating valid reasons
- Being able to express personal and controversial topics in the best manner possible.
- Working under more speech like patterns
Tips and tricks:
Every new language takes courage and passion. When learning a new language on a daily basis the passion could faze out but these exercises and tips will make sure that you’re engaged. Every day you get to learn something new. Creating a personal connection is important, for example if you like books engage yourself with them or if you like songs merge into them. Finding your path is also important during this process.
- Audio books
- YouTube videos
- Songs
- Short stories
- Sample papers
- Short movies
- News covers
- Movies
Preparation patterns:
Keeping a high and constant schedule will allow you to have a better planning and understanding during this course. The pattern of exam is listed below but will also give you an insight on the things to focus on.
The best way to prepare is to plan ahead. At Elan we provide you with all the tips and guidance. This shall prepare you for the course. Keep your head held high.
Important materials:
Modal exercises:
Practice sets:
Video links-
- Daily conversations:
- Everyday phrases:
- Conversation skills:
- Listening comprehension:
- Reflexive verbs and pronouns:
- Verbs:
Sample papers-
Leseverstehen (Reading comprehension):
Task 1 – Headings
Task 2 – Find information
Task 3 – Multiple choice task
Schreiben (Written):
Task 1 – Letter
Task 2 – Election topic
Horverstehen (Listening comprehension):
Task 1 – short talks
Task 2 – summary
Task 3 – radio broadcast
Sprechen Paarprufung (Speaking):
Task 1 – Conversation
Task 2 – Picture history
Task 3 – Transactional dialogues
Task 4 – common task
Important tips for German B1 and the examinations:
Exam details –
Just as all examinations the German B1 consists of 4 modules, listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The reading examination will take a total time of 65 minutes. It has been divided into 5 sections. In the 1st section you will receive a passage of 300 words. It could be in any form of blog entries, letters etc. By which you will have the correlate 6 statements about the passage in terms of true or false. The 2nd part of the reading is 20 mins. You will be given 2 passages, each 180 words. The paper will consist of six questions. You will need to make a connection based on the specific instructions provided.
The 3rd part will be only for 10 mins. You will be given short adverbs or announcements by the German media. You will need to match the phrases along with the passage. It is important to read the instructions carefully to be able to fully engage with the task. The 4th section will be a passage about issues around the world or controversial topics. You will need to correspond your answers with the passage based on the question.
The 5th and last part will be an official text. There will be 4 questions dedicated to a particular subject In the passage from where you will derive the right answer.
The listening section is divided into 4 parts. The 1st part will consist of 10 dialogues along with 2 questions. You will be able to listen to audio twice by which you should be able to identify the answer. The 2nd part consists of one recording and five questions. In this part you will only be able to hear the audio once. You must decide your answers based on the options provided.
The 3rd part also consists of one recording which will only be played once. This section will be required to identify where the statements made are true or false. The 4th section consists of a radio discussion. You will be provided with 8 statements and you would have to correlate based on the requirements. When you have completed all your questions make sure to recheck them and copy them onto your answer sheet.
The writing section will have the duration of 60 mins. The section is divided into 3 tasks. The first task should take about 20 mins. You will have to construct an email. You will be given 3 points to cover. Always abide to the given word limit. Make sure to follow the right structure required.
The 2nd task will consist of 80 words at the most and your opinions. Here you will be asked to share your opinions based on the given topic. The 3rd task would be to write a form of email in 40 words about different scenarios provided. Make sure to now wander off into different topics. Keep your main subtopic constant throughout the task.
The speaking section will take you to different scenarios and world issues. It has been divided into 3 parts. The 1st part being that you will be given different kinds of scenarios to converse. The only catch is that you would be conversing with another fellow candidate. You will be put in a different position where you would have to create questions and answers based on what theme is and what is asked.
The 2nd part is where you will need to talk about a current issue. You need to be ready with your structure even when the topic may differ. The 3rd and final part is when you have an interaction with the examiners and provide feedback about the conversation you and your fellow candidate just had. You should be able to express your feelings and have specific opinions. Show the examiners that you’re able to express yourself no matter the topics.
Exam cracking tips –
All the tips learnt during this course will guide you through your examination. Remember to pace yourself. Don’t stress. Work on the different strategies provided to you. When reading make sure to underline or highlight the important fact. During writing beware of your time. Keep yourself focused. Don’t deviate to another topic or factor, focus on one and keep building the idea. Read the instructions carefully.
Follow them and make sure that you’re rechecking your answers. During the listening test make sure to write down important dates, names etc. Make sure to always keep your focus. When you’re calm and centred you can achieve it all.
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