French for IB Board Students Free Material


Schools that offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program are united in a common mission: to educate their students to be knowledgeable, inquisitive, compassionate, open-minded individuals with empathy for diverse perspectives and intercultural differences.

News Decoder partners with premier schools around the world to teach these hard and soft skills. Our educational services are designed to help young people become competent, conscientious global citizens.



The International Baccalaureate (IB) aims to do more than just deliver a regular curriculum by evolving students into curious, knowledgeable, and caring individuals who are motivated to succeed. The IB program helps students ask challenging questions by thinking critically and develop research skills that will further help them in higher studies as well. IB board also encourages students to be active learners in their communities and to take their learning beyond just academia.

Receiving an IB diploma from reputable IB board schools in India shows the credibility of students to not only have passed the advanced IB board subjects but also their ability of critical thinking. It also means that your child will be better prepared to evaluate and comprehend the information they will encounter in their future studies. IB board is considered to be both a challenging as well as a rewarding board option, and this is the reason for its popularity among parents and students alike. 



  • Vocabulary: Start a French vocabulary list- write down any word or saying that you come across and review those everyday
  • Verbs: Set yourself a target of learning at least one new verb a day and practice how it conjugates. Creating flashcards can be a great way to help with this.
  • Grammar: Create a list of masculine and feminine words to try and spot the patterns, practice the tenses and learn how to use the negatives ‘ne’, ‘pas’, ‘jamais’ etc.
  • Practice: Write sentences with the new vocabulary, grammar and verbs you have learnt and then practice saying them out loud
  • Complete past exam papers: As part of your classes at French Studio, we will hold mock exams and go through past exams questions with you.
  • Have Fun: Watch French films and TV programs, read French books and magazines, listen to French songs.




  1. Bescherelle Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs ( PDFDrive ): 


  1. Easy French Phrase Book_ Over 750 Phrases for Everyday Use (Dover Language Guides French) ( PDFDrive ): 


  1. French Grammar_ Practising French Grammar_ A Workbook ( PDFDrive ): 


  1. Modern French Grammar ( PDFDrive ): 


  1. The Oxford Book of French Short Stories ( PDFDrive ): 



  1. French IB Program Experience: 


  1. HOW I GOT A 44 IN IB 📚 (99.85 ATAR) PRODUCTIVE study tips THAT WORK 2021: 


  1. French Oral Exam: Improve your vocabulary with 10 words only (Grade saver!): 


  1. IB French Unscrambled Introduction: 



French is a particularly difficult language to master at any level. Here are a few tips to help you master IB French at ab initio level.

Studying IB French ab initio can be quite difficult, since you will be learning the language from scratch (or almost). Knowing how to tackle French from the first day will be a huge advantage, so here are a few things you can do to boost your French.

  1. Learn, don’t memorize:

When studying a language at school, some people just try to memorize entire paragraphs and hope they can use them in the exam. But that’s the opposite of what you should be doing – you should learn the language if you want to do well. The best way to learn French is to immerse yourself in the language; you will have to speak, listen, read and write in French. And no, you don’t need to live in a French-speaking country to do so.
them to find out or define. You don’t need to memorize the exact definition, but make sure you study and understand every concept and technicality.

  • Speaking: Practice speaking with your classmates, or, even better, with a friend who is in French B or A. It might be hard and your conversations won’t be great, but you can help each other and become more confident speakers. Of course, try to talk to your French teacher in French only – the point is to get your brain and mouth used to the difficult pronunciation.
  • Listening: Listen to songs in French with lyrics, watch videos in French, and if you are confident enough, try watching a movie or a show in French. Put on subtitles, since the point is that you begin understanding what is going on. As you become more confident, switch the subtitle language to French so that you can relate how words are spelled and how they are pronounced – which is vital, since many French words are pronounced very differently to how they are spelled.
  • Reading: Try to read children’s books in French. If you consider yourself too mature for that, remember that several literary classics have been adapted for children – so check those out for a more interesting read with words you will understand. If reading books isn’t for you, you can search online for news for children in French, which will keep you both up to date with current events and your French studies.
  • Writing: Your teacher will surely give you loads of written tasks to practice, but if you want to go the extra mile then you could keep a journal and write about your day, or anything you’d like, in French. Start with simple sentences and gradually add what you learn in school. You will make loads of mistakes, so it is important for you to try to proofread what you write and find mistakes. If your teacher is willing to proofread your journal, then take advantage of that opportunity.


  1. Visual Stimuli:

French grammar is very complicated, so learning all its tricks can be difficult. To help you study, write/highlight using different colors. For example, write male nouns in blue, female ones in red, and so on. This will make you more aware of how French is written, and let’s admit it, it will make your writing look jazzier and exciting.

  1. Daily revision:

This is the rule nobody likes to follow, but it’s essential with languages. Revise as often as possible. As mentioned earlier, as long as you read or watch videos in French, you will be revising. You don’t need to sit down in front of a textbook!

  1. Past Papers:

It’s very important for you to understand the format of exams and what each paper asks of you, so you should practice with past papers before exams. Paper 1 is all about understanding texts, so familiarize yourself with the different format and writing styles these texts come in. You will be writing your own texts in Paper 2, so make sure you know what to include in every format they might ask you (for example, if you need to write a letter, don’t forget to write the address).

If you follow these tips, you will put yourself in a great position. Enjoy this wonderful language, and have a chance!




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