French for CBSE Students Free Material

French is a much-loved and much-admired global language. As such, schools in India have started introducing beginners and intermediate French courses from Class 10. The reason why French linguistic skills are seen as an important skill to pick up at the school level is that France, as a developed nation, offers many employment opportunities, as well as university programs for higher education. It is also a fact that the French language is relatively is easy to learn.
French is a language of love, expression and more. This expression is beyond just words, it’s a form of communication that is so strong and so divine. The French language is a well-known language in several international countries.
There are several benefits to learning French as a second language. Besides being one of the most popular foreign languages to learn, learning French also boosts our cognitive skills, while bridging the gap in the international business sphere. In other words, learning the French language can open a world of career opportunities for young learners in India.
Learning the basics of the language in class 10, gives the student a good scope to understand the language and study it further. French is also an easy subject to score off as it is a foreign language and the difficulty levels are less. Proper practice (using sample question papers and past exam papers), and full information about the French syllabus for Class 10 CBSE will enhance your future prospects in the subject!
The Central Board of Secondary Education in India has released the updated syllabus for the French language – a combination of beginner and intermediate lessons – on its official website, Here is the complete syllabus, which can be downloaded in PDF format from the CBSE website.
- Reading Section: 10 marks
One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (150-200 words)
- Writing Section: 20 marks
- One long composition (Informal letter) based on the main themes given in lessons 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 (80 words)
- Two short compositions: message, re-arranging a dialogue in logical sequence, completing a text with the help of clues provided. (30-35 words)
- Grammar Section: 30 marks
- Verbs (All tenses done in class 9, future antérieur, plus-que-parfait, subjonctif)
- Pronom relatif composé, démonstratifs (adjectifs et pronoms)
- Pronoms personnels
- Trouvez la question
- Discours direct et indirect
- Négatifs
- Possessifs (adjectifs et pronoms)
- Prépositions
- Culture and Civilization: 20 marks
Question-based on the textbook:
- a) Short answer questions (6 x 2 = 10 marks)
- b) MCQ (True or false/ match the following/ fill in the blanks) (Any 2) (8 marks)
- L.1 – Retrouvons nos amis
- L.2 – Après le bac
- L.3 – Chercher du travail
- L.4 – Le plaisir de lire
- L.5 – Les médias
- L.6 – Chacun ses goûts
- L.7 – En pleine forme
- L.8 – L’environnement
- L.9 – Métro, Boulot,Dodo
- L.10 – Vive la République
- L.11– C’est bon le progrès
- L.12 – Vers un monde intercultural
- Internal Assessment: 20 marks
It may be divided into two parts
- ASL – 10 marks [(Listening (5 marks) speaking (5marks)
- Project work – 10 marks
Prescribed textbooks:
- Entre Jeunes, Class X (CBSE)
- Textbook Lessons 1-12
Information and knowledge of the complete syllabus are absolutely critical for ensuring success during a competitive exam. It is also important for learning to be effective.
- 365 Days of French Expressions_ Audiobook Link Download Edition (French Edition) ( PDFDrive ):
- A Student Grammar of French ( PDFDrive ):
- French Demystified_ A Self – Teaching Guide ( PDFDrive ):
- French Vocabulary for English Speakers – 3000 words ( PDFDrive ):
- Class 6 French (Greetings) DEMO VIDEO – CBSE:
- Why To Learn French & Recap Of Tenses | French | Class 10 | CBSE | Anika Ma’am | Unacademy Live:
- French Lesson 1 – Learn the FRENCH ALPHABET Pronunciation – Alphabet français Alfabeto frances:–39lmGjU
- Le temps convenable | French | Class 10 | CBSE | Anika Seth Ma’am | Unacademy Live:
- Learn French in 15 days (Day 1) – French Basics | By Suchita Gupta | :
- Always Study French With Audio
- Be In Touch With Your Own Learning Style
- Self-Studying Is NOT For Everybody
- Beware Of Free French Learning Tools
- Translate French Into English As Little As Possible
- Link French To Images And Visual Situations, Not English Words
- Be Careful With French Cognates
- Avoid Writing In Your Head
- Learn French In Sentences
- Prioritize
- Study French Regularly, For A Short Time, Not All In One Sitting
- Review – Repetition Is The Key!